Should You Still Pay Attention to Meta Tags For SEO?

Written by maychaell on 10:47 PM

Should you still give credence to meta tags for your search engine optimization campaigns?

Yes, meta tags still matter a lot in SEO.

The 3 most important meta tags in order are the Title, Keywords and Description. All these will affect how you rank on the search engines.

If you have these done right, you will have a leg up over the competition.

I'm going to go through tips for optimizing your Title, Keywords and Description so you can completely 'own' the search engines for your targeted keyword phrase and really pulling in masses of free traffic for years to come:

Title: Include your main keyword phrase, your root keyword phrase. Keep your article short, and not too long. You can include different keyword different phrases in your title if you are optimizing for several different keywords.

Keywords: Include your main keyword here again, but also include other 'LSI' keywords, keywords that are related to your main keyword phrase. For example, if your main keyword phrase is golf clubs, an 'LSI' keyword might be putter or irons (found those words from a quick search on Wikipedia). You can also do a search using Google's Keyword Suggestion tool and come up with alternative keywords. This is like hearing from the horse's mouth itself as to what keywords are relevant and truly LSI keywords.

Description: Again, do the same thing here. Include some LSI keywords in there, but make your description readable by humans because your description will appear in the search engines.

The stuff that don't matter so much anymore: one-way links, keyword density. Those stuff will still affect your SEO rankings, but they are no longer vital these days. But you do still want to pay attention to meta tags!

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