What is Search Engine Optimization Actually?

Written by maychaell on 10:27 PM

All of us who have Internet businesses and own websites realize that our businesses will live or die according to the amount of people that are visiting our website. Although there certainly are a lot of different ways that you can pull traffic to your website, one way that tends to send you qualified traffic on a regular basis is search engine optimization, or SEO for short. This is something that almost all Internet marketers have dabbled in at some point, some with great success and others who get disappointed and give up on their search engine optimization efforts altogether.

The simple fact of the matter is, there are really only a few basic principles that are behind search engine optimization. From those few basic principles, however, there are dozens if not hundreds of different ways that you can expand and grow your efforts. Understanding the basics of search engine optimization is not really that difficult to do but excelling at it may take a little bit of work on your part. Here are the two basics of search engine optimization and how you can use them in your marketing efforts.

On Page Factors - Any good search engine optimization campaign starts out with factors that involve the webpage itself. If you're going after a specific keyword or perhaps a keyword phrase, you want to make sure that you include it in the title tag of the webpage and perhaps prominently toward the top of the webpage as well. Although there is some speculation on the exact percentage of saturation that should occur on the webpage, using it naturally is typically the best bet. You should also use related keywords in order to pick up on any latent semantic indexing that is happening within the search engines.

Off Page Factors - These are generally more important to your search engine rankings than the on page factors. In order for you to rank well, you need to display to the search engines that your website is popular on the Internet when it comes to that particular keyword or keyword phrase. You would do this by getting links back to your website from a variety of different other sites. You can do this by commenting on blog posts, writing articles and distributing them or simply asking somebody for a link back to your site. The more links you have, the better your rankings will be, provided you don't try to game the system.

Although it certainly is possible for you to take care of all of your search engine optimization efforts yourself, many people find that it becomes cumbersome to their business. There are plenty of good SEO companies out there that will take care of the entire process for you and allow you to concentrate on other areas of your business. This is one of the best ways for you to make sure that you're not only ranking well in the search engines, you're taking care of the traffic once they land on your webpage.

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