Keyword Research - 3 Tips on Doing Effective Keyword Research

Written by maychaell on 12:29 AM

Keyword research is the bread and butter of Internet Marketing and is critical to attracting traffic to your website. No wonder Perry Marshall says, If content is the king, keywords are the queen in the online world. To do

keyword research properly, you should not only have the right tools but also have the right mindset.

To be short, think like the customer and use your keyword research software accordingly. Let me explain this with

an example.

1. Backdoor Keywords: Assume that you are a Dog Obedience Trainer, and you want to write an article on dog obedience training. It is obvious that the term 'dog obedience training' is very competitive and hence the chances for you to be ranked high for this term is pretty slim. However you should consider an alternate way to do keyword research using related keyword related search terms.

Head over to the free Google external keyword tool which offers invaluable data and information on keywords. Type in dog obedience training in the search box and you will find a list of additional generated keywords. Along with the advertiser competition, you will also find the search volume for the month and the average search volume.

As you look into the list of generated keywords, you will find a number of keywords that you can rank for pretty highly in a short time period.

2. Long Tailed Keywords: Long tailed keywords can be the best keywords to go after. First these keywords are a lot more specific and hence the traffic trickling to your website may be ultra targetted. Let me explain with an example,

- Handbags
- Prada Handbags
- Prada Handbag Deals

Now each of the above keywords represent a different audience. The first keyword, handbags is too generic that the user maybe a kid looking to write an essay on Handbags. Prada handbags represents a different consumer, most likely someone who is familiar with the brand Prada and is either looking for more information on Prada Handbags or maybe interested in buying them. You can bet your bottom dollars that the user who types, Prada Handbag Deals is a consumer who is feverishy looking to buy a Prada Handbag. Note that the searches for Prada Handbag deals will be significantly less than the search term Handbags. However the conversion resulting from the keyword, Prada Handbag deals will be way higher than the keyword handbags.

3. Using the Right Keyword Research Tools: Know that to do effective keyword research, you often have to use a mix of different keyword tools. Below is a list of highly recommended keyword tools.

- Google External Keyword Tool
- Keyword Elite
- Wordtracker

Along with Google External Keyword Research tool, Wordtracker and Keyword Elite are the other two keyword tools to take advantage of. If you are running short of budget, I advise you to go for Wordtracker before you become a Keyword Elite member.

Remember at the end of the day, the keyword research softwares at your disposal are tools. It is upto you to make use of it and gain the maximum leverage.

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