SEO - Directory Submission

Written by maychaell on 9:38 AM

Research shows that search engines contribute most of the traffic on a website Visitors are likely to visit website listed from pages 1-3. Other than that, they sometimes neglect. Directory submission involves the process of listing your website for the search engines to pick up. This can be a lengthy process since it may require some approval, however it will reflect a good return of investment in done correctly.

Once a websites URL is submitted on a directory, it could get a decent amount of traffic. Directories hold millions of websites categorized for various fields and if your website is under a good category then there is your chance. Through directory submission, search engines will have some ideas of what your website is all about increasing keyword relevancy.

In promoting a website directory submission should be the first move. Let the directories know that your site exist and search engines will be checking it. Websites that are submitted to a directory will mostly get more traffic. Search engines will look for matching websites from the directory and analyze it. Adding a website to a directory will also increase the number of back links to your website.

There are hundreds of directories in existence today. Some offer free service and some are paid. Enlisting your website to directories may take time and not all directories will assure your website to be on top. It`s worth a try though. Try to submit your website to as many directories. This will help promote your website to search engines.

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