How to Get High Ranking in Google

Written by maychaell on 1:00 PM

Once you have your website ready, the next step is to introduce it to the search engines. There is no point having a wonderful website, but people are still not aware of it due to low ranking by search engines. Your website may be listed among the few last pages in a search result with thousands of pages. In order to get high ranks, the keywords are important. The titles, Meta tags and the first paragraph is important as well.

Tips to optimize your websites so that they are visible to search engines are:

Useful contents- to promote your website, the very first thing that you should consider are the contents, you may have a website with good design and has penetrated the top lists in search engine results, but if your contents are bad people will not come back anymore. You may be able to hit the target traffic, but if you are selling products your sales are not going anywhere.

Keyphrases- this is critical because it works to label your website and whenever someone searches using the keyphrases, the search engines will list your website in the results. The keyphrases should not be too common and preferably they are specific to what your website is all about. Usually people will pay more attention to keywords, but it is harder to obtain a high rank with keywords alone. Come up with a number of possible searches and use the best phrase from the list. There are services available on the internet which helps you with choosing keyphrase and keywords, such as WordTracker and KeywordDiscovery.

Titles- the titles for the contents in your website should not only be visible to people but also to the search engines. The rule is to use keyphrases as the titles. The recommended length of a title is between 15 to 20 words.

Meta tags- although one of the biggest search engines does not really pay attention to Meta tags, there are other search engines that still do that. It is still worth the effort to use Meta tags on public pages. Briefly, the Meta tag contains a short description of the webpage.

First paragraph- the first paragraph is important as it includes the description of the contents in a webpage. It contains the elaborated version of the title and Meta tags.

Avoid being classified as spam- there is a long list of don'ts that you should follow to avoid your website from being classified as a spam. An example is to keep the amount of keyphrases to a maximum of 10 in the contents, title and even in the Meta tags. Once a website has been classified as spam, the search engines will not list it.

The above steps are the major players in getting high ranking by the search engines. It is pointless to create a wonderful website with good contents when there is only a small amount of people who knows about it due to low ranking by search engines. Thus, to generate a large traffic to your website, you will have to promote your website to the search engines before anything else.

Nizzura is a full time internet marketer and have been earning a full time income online since 2007. He have shared his method on how to make money online in his 100+ page ebook entitled "Free Money Method".

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