Monitoring your Children on the Internet

Written by maychaell on 3:37 PM

You can obtain software for monitoring children on the internet that will work very effectively for tracing back footprints of their online travels, while protecting them from violence and adult material. Here are some important features you should make sure your monitoring software includes:

1. Encrypted log file. This is where everything will be stored and you'll be able to access it by email. This makes things completely invisible. The child will not be able to see, access, change, or delete the file. Encrypted log files can be sent over email at various intervals so you'll be updated constantly on computer activity.

2. Screenshot capability. With this you will be able to have screenshots automatically taken at varying intervals. Now you can see exactly whats on the screen and make a determination of whether or not it crosses the line for child viewing.

3. Capturing keystrokes. This can help identify and record user keystrokes, see what websites are being typed in, and so forth.

4. Ease of use. Software for monitoring children on the internet should be easy to use, and easy to bring up the monitoring results or records of activity occurring on your computer.

5. Download online. For immediate use you should find software for monitoring children on the internet right online, available for download. No trips to the computer store are necessary, as you can save time and set up the monitoring process immediately through keylogger software programs online. Many of these programs will have multiple uses. For instance they can be used for employee monitoring and even cheating spouses, so don't be turned away if you see these tag lines for use. The programs should also mention children monitoring as well.

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